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Friday, March 20, 2015

New Plants

We went to Lowes to find a climbing shade plant to go on our new gate we built. We found a wonderfully smelling Pink Jasmine. I can't wait for us to make the planter box for the bottom of the gate so it can go in and start making that area what it should be. I imagine EVERYTIME a breeze blows through the breezeway it will fill that area with its fragrance. 

Ryan also bought me a raspberry bush to plant. Raspberries aren't his favorite, but I plan I eating them freshly picked. 

The rest of our day was spent trying to convert an old dog house that someone made with plexiglass sides into a nice space for our quail's permanent home. We've placed it in view from our studio so we can enjoy watching them while he's making jewelry and I'm sewing. It's not quite finished yet, but I think it will be wonderful when it is. 

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