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Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Janosik Watermelon

Finally, our watermelon is ready. We picked our first one just the other day. Oh my! It is the best yellow watermelon I've ever tasted. 
I really don't think there's going to be any left by tomorrow. Hopefully another one will be ready soon. I think I have a cantaloupe almost ready too! I'll definitely be saving seeds from these.'s description, "80 days. Yellow-fleshed Polish variety. Oblong fruits to about 10 lbs. The extra sweet, yellow flesh is lovely in contrast with the dark green rinds. Crisp and delicious! Beautiful, uniform fruit and one of the best eating bright yellow types!"

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Sweet Corn

The other day, Ryan and I harvested two rows of corn. We thought we had harvested at just the right time for sweetness, but soon realized something was wrong...ants!  I hate ants, but they seem to love me. Of course, we both got online to see what does ants in your organic garden mean, well, it means aphids. Evidently ants are a warning sign that you have aphids. 
We've been working to get the aphids under control since. 


We cleaned and shucked our harvest, cooking one of the ears to try it out. Man was it good corn. Even though the aphids made our harvest about half of what we would've gotten without them, we stuck with our plan of prepping the remaining corn for freezing. We will test out how tasty it is with freezing in a few weeks. 

We still have much to learn about corn, and all our plants, and the critters and insects that like to eat them.  We have learned so much in the last year since we began this endeavor. 

Strawberry Plants

Ryan propagating our strawberry plants. We have 12 plants from the 2 we started with.