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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Spring Planting

Today Ryan and I planted our second planting in the garden. We are not sure yet if our first planting took since nothing has sprouted yet. We dug up one of the potatoes to check and it seems to have sprouted. Maybe we are just a bit anxious. 

Ryan did most of the muscle work today, while I planted some free seeds that were included in the fall order from If all goes well, I'll have some beautiful Love in a Mist flowers. I planted two large containers for the sitting area that we are planning by the garden. 

We stopped by the local Home Depot and picked up a dwarf peach tree to plant in a container. On the way back home, we stopped at the local nursery and I picked out 5 more herbs to add to the herb garden. I now have another Rosemary plant, two varieties of lavender, fennel, and chives. 
Our day was wonderful, browsing the garden areas together, picking out plants, planting food for us to eat, and situating our container herb garden. Our breezeway sitting area is shaping up nicely. Hopefully we will be able to sit and relax and enjoy our beautiful plants together soon. 

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