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Sunday, May 31, 2015

Chicks visit the outside

Brought our Ameraucana chicks outside for a few hours this evening. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Fresh Carrots and Flying Saucer Squash

It is so cool to me to just walk outside and get a fresh carrot out of my garden and eat it within minutes. We are about to have a TON of carrots ready for eating. Our flying saucer squash is starting to produce as well. 

Monday, May 25, 2015

New chickens and quail

10 new Ameraucana chickens. They lay green and sometimes blue shelled eggs. I can't wait till they are bigger and start laying eggs. 
You can read about them here

20 new baby quail. We bought babies this time since our last 10 never even laid eggs. Didn't want to take a chance this time.